What is Ashewa ERP System?

Ashewa ERP is a SaaS ERP type cloud-based enterprise resource planning software that runs on our cloud servers which we are providing by subscription, and is delivered as a service over the the web based system.

What is our ERP ?

ERP software provides a fully-integrated, intuitive platform through which you can analyze, monitor and conduct data-driven tasks. ERP systems collect, store and gauge data across all departments to ensure seamless communication within your organization. Working from a single source of information reduces discrepancies along with the associated errors and costs.

Integrated ERP also allows your business to work with multiple components at once. For instance, with integrated customer relationship management (CRM), users can access order history and customer information in the same system. The analysis of data provides insight into business trends and can offer predictions based on past practices. Accurate predictions increase efficiency on an organizational scale, ensuring smooth operations and improved productivity.

This ERP is being dynamically developed as per customers requirement. It is designed and developed for Hotels, School, Retailers and other private and governmental organizations.

Main Features Categories of the ERP System:
  • Data Analysis
  • Reporting and invoicing
  • Customer Relationship Management.
  • Accounting.
  • Tracking and Visibility.
  • Human Resource Management.
  • Supply Chain Management.
  • Sales and Marketing
  • Financial Management
  • Inventory Management
  • Other productivity services
What are the most important ERP functional analytics tool offering:
  • Customizable report and Interactive graphs and charts: Graphs and charts display data in ways that are easy to understand and apply. The different types may include pie charts, stacked bar graphs, radial diagrams, heat maps and many other types of visualizations. Each one is best suited for analyzing information in a different way.
  • Real time Dynamic filtering: Quickly filter away unwanted information from a graph or table so you can focus on what’s relevant. This includes filtering by any parameter: including business unit, time period or customers, and also by mathematical conditions.
  • Data Grouping: Easily group data by date, product, customers, suppliers, projects, or any other meaningful category and then sum up totals of subtotals.
  • Drill downs : A drill down enables you to click from one data point to lower level information. This makes it easier to understand what data you are looking at and the factors lying behind it. A tabular, relational, and multidimensional data representation.
  • Pivoting: Pivoting data enables you to group and summarize data by columns. You can switch between table and graphic formats, without having to create a new report.
  • Sorting: Sorting is a way to organize data in columns by ascending or descending values. It’s possible to sort one column after the other, making it easier to see patterns in the data.
  • Graphic Indicators: visual cues to spot outliers. E.g arrow up to indicate the daily change or a red light to show the threshold value has been reached.
  • Pre-programmed KPIs: Common financial ratios and other KPIs are already calculated without you having to enter formulas. This drastically reduces the risk of errors.
  • Export to multiple data formats : Currency converter enables you to chart data in different currencies without having to look up historic rates or apply formulas.
  • Currency converter: Getting data out is as important as getting it in. It should be possible to export data to common formats like csv, pdf and Excel, or send to the printer.
  • Sharing data Between stakeholders: analytics tools offer a range of ways to share information - whether it is with the CEO, CFO, sales teams or others.
What Makes Our ERP Systems Unique?
  • User Friendly and intuitive system interface.
  • High level technological product evelopment
  • Continuous feature enhancements.
  • Affordable and reasonable price.
  • High data security and reliable.